Sunday, December 14, 2008

Based in simplicity.

Between the hiss of the radiators, I ponder why/why not. Either way would be the clearest, but in different ways. Personal philosophy, snaking out the window--in the edgy cool; in the night? You know what's good for you. If I had a flat piece of copper for every time...

Limbs eyes heart head. I'm starting to think that there's no real way of ever knowing. Every once in a stretch of time, a chance licks at your (my) skin like trickling water and it's so easy, almost effortless, to brush it away like a feathery wind or a loose strand of hair. Such a careless, ingrained reaction. Like breath or like eyelashes fluttering tiredness, or a key in the door, shoes tossed off of feet after the longest of days.

The truth here is hardly profound, it is rather just that I want to stop thinking and start feeling. I am reaching blindly in the darkness when it comes to tomorrow and the day(s) after that, but the sensations of this evening, the dying day--that's what is real. Imperfect, but real. And to that, I say yes and yes again.

In parting, here is a bit of an Emily Haines tribute. Her stems kill me (jealous), as does her voice. She is cool and she should know it.

(likes nature)

(perfectly disheveled mane)


(exquisite taste in company)

(babe. end of story.)

Practically asleep,

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