Tuesday, November 11, 2008

matter/antimatter, tangled like vines...

On this rooftop where we're sitting
In the rays of the setting sun
Glasses of wine on a crate between us
Catch the light -- seem to glow from within

And there's a laugh
Hanging in the air
And there's no
Desperation anywhere

So many miles, so many doors
Some need patience, some need force
All fall open in their own due course
To allow us this time

And your limned
In light, golden and thin
Looks to me
Like you're lit up from within

And look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
To paint you
This way

And I picture us in this light
Friendship a fine silver web
Stretched across golden smoky haze
And this is simple
And this is grace

And this light
Is a guest from far away
Passing through
The last whisper of day

And look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
Look how far the light came
To paint you
This way

(Look How Far--Bruce C.)


eja_crepusculario said...


I read you blog sometimes. Just so you know.

eja_crepusculario said...

ahem. your blog.

that's embarrassing. also, why is that word so hard to spell (embarrassing)? It's like it just needs to create a little more of itself through all means possible.

longgone1 said...

That's a nice poem, did you write it or is 'Bruce.C.' the author?

longgone1 said...

That's a nice poem, did you write it or is 'Bruce.C.' the author?

longgone1 said...

That's a nice poem, did you write it or is 'Bruce.C.' the author?

longgone1 said...

What a mess! first no comment, and then three! However it's all due to leaving my blog for a long while and then returning to it which necessitated a new password amongst other things .. in fact I've got a new blog going now over at LiveJournal which you might like to drop in on .. http//:nowone.livejournal.com